Hello - and looking for interesting case studies in the carbon finance world

Dear All,

I wanted to say hello to you all in the Climate Gains community. I met Tim through some colleagues at the UN Environment Copenhagen Climate Centre. Thank you for having me - its nice to connect!

I am a PhD researcher based in Sweden. Prior to research I worked as a consultant on various climate and energy access projects for UNHCR, GCF, UKAID amongst others.

My research (PhD project with funding 2020 – 25) explores how systems change in lower income countries is envisioned by actors based in both higher and lower income countries - and the political economy (and possible injustices) of these complex global networks. My research compares the different kinds of visions emanating from contrasting locations and actors, with a particular focus on what kinds of characteristics of change (e.g. actors, locations and directions associated with change) emerge when change is envisioned from an external vantage point. To date I have focused primarily on the energy sector and Rwanda, where I have explored visions of change associated with urgent demands for innovation and transitions towards sustainability. The broad aim is to encourage practitioners - particularly those like myself based in higher income countries - to be more reflexive about their role in processes of change related to lower income countries.

The specific research I am working on at the moment focuses on how change is envisioned from different scales/locations in flows of finance which connect to climate tech for lower income countries. I am particularly interested in the carbon financing world, and am looking for possible case studies in which the modalities of finance (and encoded visions of change) have shaped how a technology or project has unfolded. Or alternatively, studying efforts to change ways of doing things which folks feel are somehow problematic or ineffective.

I would love to follow discussions here amongst you all, and I am also very open to hearing possible ideas with regard to these case studies. I have some budget to dedicate time to this during 2024.

If you are interested to read more about my research, you can find my recent licentiate thesis here: https://research.chalmers.se/publication/534814/file/534814_Fulltext.pdf




Hey Sam! Glad you made it here. Feel free to start by reading the public posts. The key design criteria for our modalities of finance are using are:

We are trying to build for radical transparency - i.e. an account on this forum should be enough to figure out what we are doing and all about.

Looking forward to hearing from your experience reading into it.

Hi Sam, nice to hear from you - welcome :hugs:
It’s timely this work you are doing. There is one conversation coming out of COP28 around distributed collaboration and social contracts. I have some loose threads to weave together, it sounds like maybe we can put our heads together around this… I’m especially interested in adaptation at the moment