Validation and MADD

From now on @pinaro is in the lead for the validation. We will meet, define terms and contract @adu_ernest in the coming days, so you can join forces on this endeavor properly.

For reference: Here are the MADDs of all three currently existing Swiss authorized projects, including one from Ghana;

Required documents from the stakeholder consultation:

Please share the details of the meeting, list of invitees, date of invitation and text of invitation, subjects to be discussed, etc. Transfer of carbon rights shall be clearly communicated. I will be traveling on 5th October in the afternoon but may attend the meeting online, if possible.

We will compile the inputs from Stakeholder Consultation into a MADD V1.1 on 6th and 7th. We will have to sent that one to Ministey of Energy very soon for their letter.


Thank you Tim for sharing the registered projects.
Regarding the stakeholder consultation, Ghana’a framework emphasizes the importance of a grievance mechanism accessible to the end users:

This mechanism involves disclosing a contact person for both parties: Switzerland and Ghana.
Concerning the fundamental rights, my understanding is that it involves providing information regarding the carbon revenue and how it will be spent. In voluntary carbon market projects, we ask end-users to sign a carbon waiver agreement . While it is not mandatory within this framework, it is essential to inform them about the use of carbon income.


Our plans in this regard so far (from MADD draft):

Online Stakeholder Consultation (goal: Ongoing, Enthusiastic Consent):

Monitoring and reporting will be managed through a mobile app developed by ClimateGains. It will use videos of the stoves in operation as well as testimonies from the stove users as remote-verifiable evidence combined with technical security features to eliminate fraudulent reporting. All enrollment, monitoring, evaluation, and management of the project shall use the ClimateGains app that can be accessed and used through mobile phones.

For the mandatory monitoring of the project, the app will be used by the CookClean team during all installations and the annual maintenance visits. However, the app is free to install and can be used by any of the stakeholders to provide inputs between visits, resp. by any Swiss citizen to review and comment on the installations.

Thus, using the mobile application also enables close interaction and regular feedback gathering from the school staff and students. The design of the mobile application allows exceptional levels of accountability and transparency towards institutional actors in Ghana - it is straightforward to verify the source data, directly contact beneficiaries and ask them questions throughout the program. It also allows the schools to learn from from one another through experience sharing.

The ClimateGains mobile application and the open online platform allow anonymised participation so grievances can be voiced without fear of retribution.

Furthermore, a WhatsApp Hotline will be installed to enable the reporting of any malfunctioning or damages of the stoves and call the maintenance team.

Mediation by Swarmpact

As a Verein, Swarmpact operates on a “one member one vote” principle and will invite local stakeholders to become members. The Verein will manage the benefit sharing mechanism and receive and reports on grievances or other issues. It will further apply mediation for any conflicts that may arise.

In case the mediation by the Verein is not successful and a conflict remains unresolved, the diplomatic channel established by the bilateral agreement will be contacted for a decision.

=> We will mention it only relatively briefly during the stakeholder consultation though.

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Thank you, Tim. Can the beneficiaries in Ghana use the application or WhatsApp group? I assume one would need a smartphone to use these applications, correct? We may ask the participants if those communication channels are accessible to them during the meeting.
While I understand that the framework we are applying doesn’t impose strict communication requirements, I would suggest to consider combination of local carbon markets under broader trading schemes. Aligning the process with international schemes; like CDM, would be an advantage then. Please take pictures, get the attendees list signed and note the meeting minutes.

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Yes to all else, but I don’t understand that half sentence?

I checked the other project reports registered. For example, the Bangkok e-bus program places a stronger emphasis on stakeholder engagement compared to the Ghana project. In the future, you might consider switching to other available funds for the project. In that case, I just don’t want the project to fall behind in meeting the requirements. Otherwise, if the finance is guaranteed, we do not need to think about that.

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Based on EPA feedback, I think our stakeholder engagement is fine for Ghana Article 6. I also believe we offer more substantive stakeholder engagement - it’s probably just not spelled out properly so far.

We will have at least annual interviews with all users of our technology & active engagement through the benefit sharing mechanism.

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Ok. Let us document the meeting well, with pictures, etc.

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Re: The call with the validator tomorrow: I appreciate the negotiation effort and will try to be in the call.

Priority is to have a shared understanding with them that it should not be much work because its a simple programme with mainly default values being applied. So aiming for maybe a small discount but prioritizing excellent service and fast delivery.

I had a quick chat with Anubhav Dimri from Carbon check. The proposed price includes the validation of a new/revised methodology. I said we would be applying Gold Standard methodology. So we agreed to revise the proposal with a small discount.

I will go through the methodology and confirm the applicability and identify any deviations. Then he can send the revised proposal on Monday.

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It’s much simpler than GS but OK.