Welcome to our new community members!

Hello and welcome to ClimateGains @vernalpull , @Davis , @HelmutWo , @Emma_M , @Keith1 , @jos , @Bogdan.x , @pablo_arriazu , @astrabug , @Nenad, @astrabug , @June , @markb , @indinur-agricura , @ilem, @f_pear, @bubblesCuckoo , @clairedvn , @camobs, @Ehsin , @Aletheia , @MariaAM, @alg!

I’m one of the founders of ClimateGains together with @OmaMorkie, and the current CEO of the organisation.

This is our community hub and also our office, where we run all our operations in the organisation. It is also where we post updates from our different activities in the field, opportunities for collaboration job openings, invitations to events and so on.

We also encourage members to make use of this place for their own personal and professional development, announce updates about their own projects, post calls for participation or collaborators.

Getting started is easy, you simply write a short comment saying hello and introducing yourself so we know about your interests and make it easier to connect you to relevant conversations and activities here. Our community managers will guide you from there.

We hope you will feel welcome and find the experience of being here interesting and rewarding.

Looking forward to e-meeting you all :slight_smile:


Thank you for this welcime :slight_smile: I almost missed it because it landed in my inbox while I was on digital detos.

I joined this space in December 2022 and was greeted by discobot at the time. I have interest in climate change related projects, mainly from communilty-led initiatives point of view.